There are a lot of misconceptions about wearing contacts. Many people think they can’t wear them, but with today’s technology, that just isn’t true. Just about everyone can wear contact lenses these days. We have bifocal contact lenses, soft, rigid, and hybrid lenses for those with astigmatism, and more!
Have you ever been told you cannot wear contact lenses? Chances are you can, even with astigmatism and dry eyes. Looking Glass Optical helps select the best contact option for good vision, comfort, and most importantly for good continuing eye health. You can also order contacts online now!
SynergEyes® Hybrid Contacts
SynergEyes® hybrid contact lenses offer the best of both worlds. The soft skirt offers all-day comfort while the breathable rigid center keeps eyes healthy and provides crisp, clear vision, even at night.
Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Lenses
Over the last decade, there has been a rebirth of the rigid lens market with contact laboratories pouring out all kinds of gas perm designs. Their popularity is actually on the upsurge but still a long way from the popularity of soft lenses.
Bifocal Contacts
Bifocal contacts were originally designed in hard lens materials. The newest breakthrough, January 1, 2008, is a hybrid bifocal lens called the Synergeyes lens. This lens has the best of both worlds. This lens is essentially a soft lens with a gas permeable center.
Astigmatism & Toric Lenses
Astigmatism means the front of the eye, the cornea and/or the lens within the eye is slightly bent. “Football shaped” is a commonly used analogy but is an exaggeration of the amount of bend.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Your eyes are an important aspect of your overall health. Give us a call today or book an appointment online.