
6 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Contact Lens Prescription

Wearing contact lenses is an excellent way to improve your vision without needing glasses. Some people prefer contacts to glasses because they provide access to full peripheral vision and don’t limit activity. In addition, contact lenses are easy to wear, affordable, and hard to lose. However, you must know when to change your contact lens prescription. Here are some helpful tips for understanding when it’s time to make a trip to the optometrist.

1. Headaches Are More Frequent

Headaches happen to everyone. However, if you notice that you’re getting headaches more often than usual, it may be from changes in your vision. When your vision shifts, your eyes have to work harder. The additional strain on your eyes causes the brain to compensate, resulting in headaches. The headaches will only worsen if you don’t change your prescription for contact lenses. You may also find yourself needing to rest your eyes more frequently.

2. Your Vision Becomes Blurry

Being unable to see as clearly as you once did signifies that your vision is changing. You may notice that the words in a book are more challenging to interpret. Road signs may become difficult to read. If you drive regularly, blurred vision can be especially dangerous. Your reduced ability to see could lead to an accident. Take action and undergo a vision test to determine whether you need to change your prescription.

3. Squinting More Often

Squinting is an automatic reflex when things become more challenging to read or see. Although squinting can help you view objects and words more clearly, it also puts more strain on your eyes. The need to squint should be rare if your contact lens prescription is up to date. Noticing that you’re often squinting can indicate that you need new contact lenses.

4. You Have Tired Eyes

Staring at screens all day or regular reading can cause significant eye strain. If you rely on your eyes to do most of your work, you may notice that they become tired. Insufficient sleep or allergies can also cause eye strain. Try to reduce the time you spend looking at your phone or computer screen. Limitations placed on screen time can help reduce the effects of tired eyes. However, if a few days of rest doesn’t alleviate the problem, it may be time to change your prescription.

5. Having Older Contact Lenses

Contact lenses have an expiration date. You can’t keep using them year after year. Some lenses may need monthly replacement, while others last a little longer. If you’ve been wearing the same pair for an extended time, it’s time for a new set. Just like any other part of your body, you need to care for your vision. If you haven’t had a vision test in over a year, it’s time to get rechecked. Most health care plans provide free vision tests annually.

6. Damaged Contact Lenses

Contact lenses can be damaged. A scratch on a contact lens can limit your ability to see clearly. Bends or dents in your lenses are also indicative of damage. If you notice that contact lenses are damaged, it’s time to get a new set. In some cases, you may not be able to see the damage on your contact lenses. Instead, you may notice they feel uncomfortable. Itchiness and irritation can be signs of damaged contact lenses. Clean your contact lenses, and then try them on again. If they still feel uncomfortable, it’s time for a new pair.

Time to Change Your Contact Lens Prescription?

At Looking Glass Optical in Pasadena, Maryland, we can help you determine when you need a new prescription for contact lenses. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.
