Importance of Sunglasses in Winter and the Dangers of the Winter Sun

Why Sunglasses Are Still Just as Important in Winter

Most people have heard that the sun can damage your eyes and that wearing sunglasses can help protect you from this damage. What many people don’t realize, however, is the importance of sunglasses throughout the entire year, not just in the summer. Learn more about why wearing sunglasses in winter is essential.

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Know the Truth: Debunking 5 Common Digital Eye Strain Myths

Common Digital Eye Strain Myths — Know the Truth

Whether you’re putting in hours at work or studying for school, many people spend a lot of time staring at screens. Computer screens, cell phones, and tablets have become a part of everyday life.

Many people spend hours each day with their eyes glued to a digital screen. But how can you protect your vision? With so many digital eye strain myths, it can be hard to know the truth.

The unfortunate reality is that all of this screen time can damage your eyesight and cause uncomfortable symptoms. Know the truth about digital eye strain and some common misconceptions by reading the guide below.

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Types of Refractive Errors & What You Need to Know to Help Your Eyes

Types of Refractive Errors & What You Need to Know to Help Your Eyes

Refractive errors are vision problems that impact how well you can see. These disorders affect the way your eyes bend light. Refractive errors are problems that happen when the shape of your eyes prevents light from focusing the way it should on your retina. The most common types of vision problems are refractive errors. Read on to learn more about different types of refractive errors and how you can help your eyes.

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Why Do Women Suffer from Visual Impairments More Than Men?

Why Do Women Suffer from Visual Impairments More Than Men

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 64% of all visually impaired people worldwide are women. Visual impairments can take many forms, from mild to severe ones that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. When it comes to women vs. men, women struggle more with visual issues, but why is that the case? Learn more about the various types of visual impairments and the reasons why women are more prone to them than men.

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6 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Contact Lens Prescription

Signs It’s Time to Change Your Contact Lens Prescription

Wearing contact lenses is an excellent way to improve your vision without needing glasses. Some people prefer contacts to glasses because they provide access to full peripheral vision and don’t limit activity. Contact lenses are easy to wear, affordable, and hard to lose. However, if you wear contact lenses, you must know when to change your prescription. Here are some helpful tips for understanding when it’s time to make a trip to the optometrist.

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Important Eye Health Tips When It Comes to Studying

Important Eye Health Tips When It Comes to Studying

Studying is an important part of learning at any education level, but so is your eye health. Study sessions, whether you are spending time in front of digital screens or poring over a book you’ve checked out from the library, can damage your eyes. Finding ways to take care of your eyes while still getting in your study hours can help you be successful in school while also saving your eyes from unnecessary strain.

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What Is an Ocular Migraine?

What Is an Ocular Migraine?

Do you struggle with frequent headaches that relate to your vision? Migraines are one type of headache that can hit behind the eyes and cause vision changes. An ocular migraine is a specific type of headache with unique symptoms that affect your field of vision. Learn more about these migraines and how to prevent them in this short guide!

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What Is Computer Vision Syndrome and How Can You Prevent It?

Computer Vision Syndrome

There’s a reason why your parents told you not to sit too close to the TV screen. When most of your day consists of looking at digital screens, like televisions, computers, and cellphones, it takes a real toll on your eyes. Computer vision syndrome, or digital eye strain, is a condition in which you may experience headaches, dry eyes, blurred vision, and shoulder pain from constantly looking at digital screens. The condition can wreak havoc on your quality of life and cause several uncomfortable symptoms. Read on for a few ways to prevent digital eye strain so you can keep your peace of mind.

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Hitting the Slopes: 4 Tips for Winter Eye Safety

Winter Eye Safety

You’ve got your hat, gloves, scarf, and boots to protect you from the harsh winter elements, but what’s protecting your eyes? Winter weather can strain your eyes, causing discomfort and affecting your vision. During the colder months, the air is dry, and the glare from sunlight reflecting off snow can overexpose your eyes to ultraviolet light. So before you hit the slopes or head out to shovel the walk, take a few minutes to think about winter eye safety.

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Glasses for Kids – How to Help Your Child Adjust to New Glasses

Glasses for Kids

While getting glasses can be a life-changing moment for a child, it can also cause plenty of stress for a parent. After all, children aren’t exactly known for staying still or keeping things on their faces! So how can you help your child adjust to new glasses? Here are some of our top tips to help parents deal with the challenges of new glasses for kids.

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