
What is an Ocular Migraine?

Do you struggle with frequent headaches that relate to your vision? Migraines are one type of headache that can hit behind the eyes and cause vision changes. An ocular migraine is a specific type of headache with unique symptoms that affect your field of vision.

Two distinct types of migraines are sometimes referred to as ocular migraines. The first kind of ocular migraine is any headache that affects your vision, referred to as an aura. This is perhaps the most common type of ocular migraine. It typically lasts for a shorter time. Vision changes will affect both eyes equally.

The more severe type of ocular migraine is retinal migraine. This is much rarer, but it can have a serious impact. If you experience a time where vision diminishes or disappears altogether in one eye, you may have a retinal migraine.

What Are the Symptoms of an Ocular Migraine?

What Is an Ocular Migraine?Depending on which type of ocular migraine you have, the symptoms can look a bit different. Know what the symptoms are so that you can accurately diagnose and seek help for your headaches from a professional.

In the more common type of migraine, you will see an aura through both eyes. It may look like:

  • Blind spots
  • Stars
  • Shimmering objects
  • Flashes of light
  • Zigzag patterns

Changes in the field of vision can start before the headache or co-occur with your migraine. These types of visual symptoms often last for 15 to 30 minutes. Sometimes, they can last for as long as one hour.

Retinal migraines indicate a much more serious problem. Generally, this type of migraine involves only one eye. You may experience decreased vision or even blindness in one eye. This type of ocular migraine is often caused by something more serious. Be aware of retinal or ocular migraine symptoms because you will need to seek immediate medical attention.

Cover one eye if you aren’t sure whether the vision changes are in one or both eyes. Then, switch eyes to determine whether one or both have vision changes. This should help you narrow down the problem and decide whether it is a true ocular migraine.

Triggers & Treatment of Ocular Migraines

Unfortunately, experts are not yet sure of the exact cause of ocular migraines. It could result from spasms in the retina’s blood vessels or nerve cells. Some headaches could also result from eye strain. If you experience the symptoms of an ocular migraine frequently, consult with your doctor and inform them about your situation.

Because the more common types of ocular migraines last less than an hour, you may not need to seek help. Rest is often the best medicine for an ocular migraine. You should rest your eyes, gently rub them with your palm, or apply cold or heat to them until the symptoms subside.

If they occur alongside a headache, a pain reliever recommended by your doctor can help. Many people use over-the-counter pain relievers to combat the accompanying pain. There are also a variety of medications that can help treat ocular migraines. Some of these prescriptions include anti-seizure medications. Make sure to discuss this option with your doctor.

Get Help for Ocular Migraines

Are you tired of dealing with the vision changes that accompany your ocular migraines? It may be time to seek help from a professional. Give Looking Glass Optical a call to speak with an expert about your vision changes and ocular migraines today! Take this condition seriously to prevent long-term damage.
