Why IPL is a Revolutionary Treatment for Dry Eye

IPL for Dry Eye: A Revolutionary Treatment

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is emerging as a revolutionary treatment for dry eye syndrome, particularly for cases caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). This condition affects the glands responsible for producing the oily layer of tears, leading to rapid evaporation and dry eye symptoms.

The benefits of IPL therapy extend beyond immediate symptom relief. By targeting the root causes of dry eyes, IPL provides a more sustainable solution than traditional treatments like artificial tears.

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Why Scleral Lenses Are the Best Option for Managing Keretakones

Scleral Lenses- Managing Keretakones

Many people start wearing glasses or contacts at an early age. Scheduling regular eye exams will help you monitor your eyes and vision changes. If you have an underlying eye condition affecting your vision, an early diagnosis can help you find a treatment option before your vision worsens. Keratoconus can begin to affect people as early as the age of ten. In the early stages of development, glasses and soft contact lenses can correct vision problems but may not be suitable as the condition progresses. Paragon scleral lenses offer an advanced solution to help manage your keretakones.

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How to Properly Care for Your Lenses

Cleaning Glasses - How to Properly Care for Your Lenses

Over 60% of the population wears eyeglasses or contact lenses.  Lenses are essential because they help you see better, and for those with extremely low vision, they can be a lifesaver. However, it’s no secret that eyeglasses are often expensive.  Even though newer and nearly scratch-resistant lenses are being manufactured, no lens is invincible, and it will face damage over time. You can avoid the extra expense and enjoy better vision by taking proper care of your lenses and preventing them from getting damaged.

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The Importance of Using Protective Sports Eyewear

sports eyewear FEATURE

Each year, emergency rooms in America see over 40,000 sports-related eye injuries. That’s nearly one injury every 13 minutes, according to the National Eye Institute. In fact, injuries to the eye are the leading cause of blindness in children in the U.S. Fortunately, with the proper use of protective sports eyewear, 90 percent of sports-related eye injuries can be prevented.

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The Importance of PPE Eyewear During COVID-19

PPE eyewear feature

The COVID-19 global outbreak has resulted in a high demand for Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, across multiple industries. In order to further contain the spread of the virus, health care professionals and essential businesses are increasing their usage of PPE in the workplace. However, with the increased demand comes a shortage of accessible equipment. Continue on to learn more about Personal Protective Equipment, as well as Looking Glass’ role in providing access to PPE eyewear. 

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A Complete Guide to Wearing Contacts

wearing contact lenses

Contact lenses offer vision correction, comfort, convenience, and freedom for active lifestyles. For those who are considering contacts or have begun the process of wearing them, there a few things you should know. For instance, contact lenses are much easier to manage than you might think. And, with a little practice and preparation, anyone can feel comfortable using and wearing contacts. 

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Are Halloween Eye Contacts Safe for Your Eyes?

halloween contacts eyes

Are you planning on dressing up as a zombie, vampire or alien this Halloween? If so, you might be thinking about using special-effect contact lenses. These novelty contacts contain colors and designs that change the appearance of your eyes. Halloween eye contacts might be a fun addition to your costume. However, these contact lenses can be dangerous if not obtained properly. It’s important for your eye health that you only purchase Halloween eye contacts from a reputable source with a prescription.

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Reduce Eye Strain With Lenses for the Computer

Lenses for the computer eyes

With the influx of technology used today, it seems we are always on the computer. From work to home, computer use is more prevalent than ever before. With a number of computer users today, many adults are experiencing eye issues, from eye strain to headaches. Using a keyboard and monitor on a regular basis, and even Smartphones can cause undue stress on the eyes. Varying distances of vision can also lead to issues with your eyes, as well as head and neck strain due to positioning for work. Thankfully, there is a solution to this problem. For those who sit in front of a screen most of the day, lenses for the computer provide optimal vision for all required distances.

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